* Disclaimer
To the best of the Camp Alliance Team's research and knowledge, the chart below has the current MCCYN+ information and links to provide direction for family and provider Fee Assistance processes.

Eligibility Requirements
More Contact Info
Fee Assistance/Notes

-Active Duty/Deployed
-Active Duty
Guard/Reserve activated under Title 10 or Title 32 Federal orders
-Guard/Reserve activated deployed under Title 10 or Title 32 Federal orders
-DA Civilians
-National Guard Technicians/Reserve Technicians
Local Arkansas Child Care Aware Office:
Military Child Care:
The Army Fee Assistance subsidy is the difference between what the Sponsor would pay based on the DoD child care fee for the Sponsor’s TFI category and the community-based child care provider’s fee, up to a provider rate cap of $1700 per child per month. The Sponsor is responsible for fees not covered by the Army Fee Assistance Program and any amount the community-based child care provider charges over the provider rate cap of $1700.
If you already have a childcare provider, instruct them to apply to accept fee assistance using the information on the reverse of this card. If they do not meet eligibility requirements for a DoD provider, they may request an exemption status to provide continuity of care.

-CDC Program Staff
-Active Duty Combat-Related Wounded Warrior
-Active Duty Military
-Active Duty Coast Guard Personnel
-Guard/Reserve Member Serving on Active Duty Orders
-DoD Civilian
-Coast Guard Civilian
-Gold Star Spouse (Combat-Related)
-DoD Contractor
-Other Federal Employee
-Deactivated Guard
-Military Retiree
If you already have a childcare provider, instruct them to apply to accept fee assistance using the information on the reverse of this card. If they do not meet eligibility requirements for a DoD provider, they may request an exemption status to provide continuity of care.
Local Arkansas Child Care Aware Office:
Military Child Care:

-Active duty members
-Navy Reserve activated under Title 10 or Title 32 Federal orders
- Navy Civilians

Local Arkansas Child Care Aware Office:
Military Child Care:
If you already have a childcare provider, instruct them to apply to accept fee assistance using the information on the reverse of this card. If they do not meet eligibility requirements for a DoD provider, they may request an exemption status to provide continuity of care.

There are several DoD fee assistance programs, and provider eligibility varies per branch/program
If you are currently providing care for military-connected children, but find you may not meet eligibility requirements, please ask to apply for exemption status.
Local Arkansas Child Care Aware Office:
National Child Care Aware Contact:
You will receive a response about the status of your application within 3-5 business days from the submission of your application.